Donya Tohidi-Esfahani Login to follow

Brain mass 2

30 y/o w/ brain mass

Breast mass

64 y/o F with suspicious breast mass and enlarged axillary node

Brain mass 4

38 yo pt with seizures, "no known medical history"

Neck mass

37 yo M supraclavicular neck mass

Pelvic mass

53 yo M, pelvic mass

Testicular mass

30 y/o M w/ testicular mass

Another brain mass

33 yo pregnant F w 3 cm peripherally cystic and centrally solid mass in R parietal lobe

Kidney mass

70 yo F kidney mass invading hilum

Possible blasts in blood

77-year-old man with history of chronic pancytopenia and macrocytosis. No prior therapy. 7% Atypical cells were noted in the differential count (see images).CBC result, representative cells from differential and representative bone marrow are provided. #Note: Subclassification is required. Work up (including immunohistochemistry on tissue, flow cytometry, karyotype, FISH, and molecular), morphology guide for blood smear and flow cytometry guide are available under "specials to order".