Pathology Playground: Crowd Unknowns

Below are pathology unknowns cases in which you can order immunostains and molecular studies. Choose your case, and when presented with a text box, begin typing the immuno or other study you'd like, and select it from the Autocomplete list. Enter your diagnosis to see if you're correct and see a presentation. If you want to upload your own cases, Login at the top right and go to the Dashboard. Watch a Youtube video on how to use the site and upload your own cases here.

tag: cns

Posterior fossa tumor

13 yo M 6.5 cm heterogeneous enhancing posterior fossa mass

Tonic-clonic seizures

Patient with a history of a new onset tonic-clonic seizures with a parasagital extra-axial right mass in the CNS.

Frontal tumor

61 yo M with frontoparietal lesion likely meningioma

Cerebellar mass

33 yo M with headaches, cerebellar mass

Temporal mass

24 y/o M with new-onset headaches, temporal mass

Spinal tumor

60 yo M with neurological symptoms, multiple spinal lesions

Brain mass

77 yo M, ICH and mass, could be primary or met per radiology. No systemic disease (careful with the name, use WHO considering the location)

Frontal mass

70 yo F with neuropsychiatric symptoms, MRI showed necrotic frontal mass